In the summer of 2020, Independent Bible Church commissioned Pastor Brad Heacock and Pastor Josh Tingler, along with a team of others, to plant Grace Church in south Martinsburg. Grace Church assembled for worship for the first time on August 2nd, under a big tent at 748 Novak Drive, the location God provided for the church. Since that time, we have gathered weekly to worship Jesus through prayer, singing, and the reading and preaching of his Word.
Since that first worship service, we have been given many blessings. Highlights for Grace Church include our first baptisms (November 1st, 2020), our first communion together (November 8th, 2020), and the recognition of our first church members (January 24th, 2021). We look forward to many more, and we hope you will come worship Jesus with us!
Since that first worship service, we have been given many blessings. Highlights for Grace Church include our first baptisms (November 1st, 2020), our first communion together (November 8th, 2020), and the recognition of our first church members (January 24th, 2021). We look forward to many more, and we hope you will come worship Jesus with us!